How Much Glass Do I Need?
For My Fireplace and Fire Pit

The amount of glass for each fireplace varies depending on size and fill depth. Full size fireplaces within a typical home may have a 36" wide front, 24" wide rear dimension and 16” deep (from front to back) by a 3" fill level which requires about 64 pounds of glass. We find that average size fireplaces (30" X 16" deep x 3") typicaly require 74 pounds. Any excess glass ordered can be returned for full refund and credit anytime within 30 days. For a more precise calculation see below.

Click on the link below for pricing examples.
Pricing Calculations

Click Below To Calculate the Amount of Glassel you Need
to Finish Your Fireplace or Fire Pit at any Fill Depth.
Fireplace Quantity Calculator
Fire Pit Quantity Calculator


For Fireplaces:
3" Fill Depth Recomended or 2" Depth With Lava Rock Filler

Example 30" x 16" x 3" = 1440, 1440 divided by 231 = 6.23, 6.23 x 12 = 75 lbs (3" of glass)

Example 30" x 16" x 4" = 1920, 1440 divided by 231 = 8.31, 8.31 x 12 = 99 lbs (4" of glass)

The 30 is derived by the average from the front and the back. (36”(front) + 24”(back)= 60”, 60/2 = 30”

There are 231 cubic inches of glass per 12 pounds.

The glass is delivered in 5 gallon buckets at 60 lbs. per bucket and that equals 12 lbs per gallon.

Fireplace Quantity Calculator


For Fire Pits
1.5"- 2" Fill Depth Recomended, Always Use Lava Rock as a Filler

Example: 30” round

30” x 30” x 2” = 1800 divided by 231 = 7.9 gallons x .8 = 6.32 x 12 = 76 pounds needed.

Diameter x diameter x height = cubic inches, divided by 231 = ____ x .8 = _____ x 12 pounds =total pounds needed.

There are 19.25 cubic inches of glass per pound

Fire Pit Quantity Calculator


Fireplace Savings

Typicaly we use a 3" bed of glass in fireplaces and 1.5" bed of glass in Fire Pits

We suggest you consider our 2" method for fireplaces

Using our 2" method can save you 33% on you glass purchase for your fireplace or fire pit

You can use crushed lava rock as a filler so you don't pay for the glass you don't see

By using the 2/3 the product you you just saved 33% on your glass

The only disadvantage on this type of installation is that you cannot disturb the glass and becomes more difficult to remove the glass and relocate it to another home if you decide to move and take your glass with you.

Installation Guide

Aquatic Glassel
Fire Pits